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Become An Author


ipad 144x144Blogging is a long-term strategy which many hypnotherapists and health professionals underestimate. It can help you build your reputation and establish expertise in your niche, as well as lead to new work opportunities. If you have published articles online, it makes a huge effect on your results. Sharing your thoughts and expertise on a blog with a lot of clout in your niche will make a much bigger difference to your reputation and traffic than guest-posting on your sister’s blog that only your parents read.

If you want to become an author in “Hypnozine”, register by clicking the button below and create your Author Profile. After your application is approved, your personal website link and your social network links will also be indicated in your “Author Profile” which will be visible under all your articles published in this website.

Sign Up

Directions for Author Registration

You must register if you wish to submit your articles in Hypnozine.

To begin registration, visit the registration form. First, we’ll ask for your e-mail address and you’ll get to pick a user name and password. It’s important that you give us a valid e-mail address (one you can receive e-mail at) because we’ll send you an e-mail with a verification link that you’ll need to click in order to complete your registration. Before we verify your e-mail address, we’ll also ask you for some personal information such as your name, your epertise and your contact information etc.

Your user name must be unique and cannot be changed, but the password and other informations you provide while registering can be changed at any time from your profile settings area after you login your author account.

Services restricted to registered authors are password protected. Your web browser will prompt you for the user name and password in order to submit your article. The articles you submit should be original articles. It should not be published somewhere else before, including your own website. They should be unique.

You can publish your articles by clicking the “Write an Article” button which you’ll see after you login your account.

To be listed in the Authors Directory, you have to upload your profile picture in your Author Profile and complete your profile setting and biography information etc after logging in.

Who can become an author in Hypnozine?

Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Reiki Masters, NLP Masters, Yoga Trainers, Life Coaches, Healthcare Professionals, Medical Doctors, Nutritionists, Trainers and other “Mind & Body” related professionals.

Sign Up

NOTE: It is a violation of our policies to misrepresent your identity or expertise, affiliations etc. Misrepresentation of identity or affiliation, for any reason, is possible grounds for immediate and permanent suspension. Hypnozine reserves the right to reject any application and delete the author account if decides that the applicant or professional qualifications don’t meet Hypnozine’s requirements in any way.