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Author Registration Form

If you would like to apply for becoming a writer in Hypnozine, please complete the registration form below. Each Hypnozine Author has an online informative profile page. Please choose a username, password and email address which is suitable for you, to access the article submitting panel in your author account. When you fill and submit this form below, you will receive an email asking you to confirm your "email address" so please make sure you register with a correct email address.
  • Your username must be unique and cannot be changed. The password and the rest of the information you'll fill in below can be changed later at any time, from your profile settings.
  • Once you have confirmed your email address and your membership application is approved, use the username and password you have provided to log into the authors’ area of Hypnozine website using the "Author Login" link at the very top left of the homepage.
  • Please ensure all mandatory fields, marked with (*) are completed before you submit your application form.
  • Please upload your portrait photo after you login your account. Profiles without original profile photo are not being listed in the Authors' directory and the author profile without a photo of the author might be suspended.
  • Please submit at least one article within the first 15 days of your registration. Authors who do not submit at least one article within the first 15 days might be suspended.
  • Articles submitted have to be unique and original articles which have not been published in any other websites or blogs before, including your own personal website or blog.  (First Published/Originals ONLY) You can give links to your websites in your articles but the articles have to be unique articles which are not published anywhere else before. (Because of Google SEO performance reasons). Make sure that your articles do not sound like generic advertorials. Advertorial articles are not allowed
NOTE: It is a violation of our policies to misrepresent your identity or expertise, affiliations etc. Misrepresentation of identity or affiliation, for any reason, is possible grounds for immediate and permanent suspension. Hypnozine reserves the right to reject any application and delete the author account if decides that the applicant or professional qualifications don’t meet Hypnozine’s requirements in any way.

Who can be an author in Hypnozine?

Hypnotherapists, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Reiki Masters, NLP Masters, Yoga Trainers, Life Coaches, Healthcare Professionals, Medical Doctors, Nutritionists, Trainers and other “Mind & Body” related professionals. Please fill out the form below if you meet the requirements listed above.

Please enter your FULL biography here. This biography will be seen in your profile page as your full biography. You can tell about yourself by describing your expertise, services, etc. (max 2000 words. html codes are allowed). .