Being present, being in the moment, living in the now. You hear the terms often, and it’s a trainable skill. It’s so much more than some elusive state that people can only aspire to. Present minded people do things differently. Here are five habits that they incorporate into their life on a daily basis that you can try too:
1. A Grounding Morning Routine
The first part of the day set the pathway for your attention to follow for the rest of the day. If you start your day scrolling through your cell phone, mentally running through your to do list and rehearsing conversations that may (but probably won’t) happen, then it is likely you’ll continue your day with a busy mind. Instead try easing into your day. Take a few deep breaths before your feet touch the floor or be present when drinking your morning cup of tea or coffee. Slow down and treat the first part of your day like a mini meditation. And better still, if you have even five minutes, take to a cushion, close your eyes and connect with your breath. It will make the world of difference to how your day unfolds.
2. Doing One Thing at a Time
A couple of decades ago multitasking was encouraged. But then the science caught up and showed that this much loved practice had a downside. Multitasking reduces productivity and damages your brain. But it’s also addictive. You might find it hard to focus on one thing at a time, but rest assured it is much more productive, enjoyable and rewarding. Approach each task with excellence, like you are being tested on it. And when you need to move to the next task, do so by consciously switching your focus rather than dragging it to the next thing while still thinking of the previous.
3. Enjoying Idle Moments
Idle has been given a bad rap. But the term doesn’t mean lazy. It simply means to rest. Idle time is not wasted time. Attention needs space to rest, recover and reorient itself. When you’re waiting in line, waiting for a friend, or waiting for the light to change, resist the temptation to check your messages. Idle moments allow attention to dive deep, reflect, be creative and gain insight. Look up, connect with the world and take a few deep breaths. Watch your productivity skyrocket! Contrary to what your busy mind says, you need to step back to move forward.
4. Exercising Impulse Control With Technology
The dominant senses that distract your attention are sight and sound and mobile technology plays on both. If your day is filled with constant interruptions consider another way. The art of paying attention is the art of wise choices. When email and message alerts intrude, see them as a chance to give your impulse control some exercise. Be the master of your technology, not a slave to its demands. Ask yourself, “What’s important right now?” and recognize that it won’t always be the thing flashing or buzzing the loudest!
5. Connecting Regularly With Nature
Fresh air, the sun on your face and the deep green of tree leaves. Nature has a way of awakening your senses and forcing you out of your own head. Instead of deferring natural pleasures to the weekend, think about how you can incorporate connecting with a slice of nature each and every day. Even five minutes can give you the invigoration you need.
There are many distractions during the day and temptations to send your mind on a crazy, busy journey but through establishing some simple habits you can start to thrive in the present moment. Even 10 percent more present can make a huge difference to the meaning in your life.
“This is a temporary demo article.
Author: Susan Pearse”