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Transforming Pain into Pleasure A topic often shrouded in silence, it is time I shed light on vagini…
Overwhelm and Invalidation; a painful pair We live in such an anxiety driven society don’t we?…
As we move through the 21st century, the medical profession is becoming more and more holistic and i…
Addiction is escapism and becomes a powerful habitual cycle with the psychological and physical depe…
Muscle pain is an extremely common condition that affects many people around the world. This type of…
Failure is a part of any endeavor. If you’re not failing, you’re not trying. You can choose to allow…
Overcoming addiction is one of the hardest things a person may ever have to do. When a dependence to…
The space we have now is an absolute gift. I believe the world is awakening, one shiny soul at a tim…
Taking care of your health and noticing changes in your body is very important. Often this helps ide…
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a diet in which you switch between meals and fasting. For example, a da…
A lot of people want to improve many aspects of their life by creating a healthy and beautiful smile…
This is one of the most commonly asked questions and before we give its solution, there are importan…
Cinnamon is considered one of the most popular spices all over the world. It is an oriental tree bar…
Sleepwalking Through Life: Environmental Hypnosis and the Devastating Effects of Somnambulism One wo…
What is Humanist Hypnosis? Differences Between Ericksonian and Humanist Hypnosis Humanist Hypnosis, …
More than 30 different bacteria, viruses, and parasites can be transmitted sexually. Sexually transm…
Some foods are healthier than others since they contain more vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants th…
Bunions are a deformation of the foot at the big toe area. There are two types of bunions, genetic a…
Everything that most of us know about menopause is that it comes after the age of 40 and it results …
At least once in a lifetime, every person has faced such a problem as constipation. However, this co…