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Why Do We Need to Talk More About Menopause?

Everything that most of us know about menopause is that it comes after the age of 40 and it results in the absence of menstruation. But for many women, it is a surprise that their ovaries may stop producing estrogen earlier and the symptoms will be much more unpleasant. 

Like many other women’s problems, it’s not very common to talk about menopause in society and this greatly complicates our lives. That is why it is time to stop being embarrassed to discuss what every woman is faced with.

Women Need to Know What Will Happen to Them

Even those women who have heard the word “menopause” don’t always know what they will be faced with when it occurs. In addition to hot flashes and the absence of menstruation, menopause has more than 30 less known symptoms. Decreased libido, hair loss, sleep problems, mood swings, fatigue, pelvic pain, burning in the mouth are also a consequence of hormonal changes in the body.

A woman can suffer from anxiety for years, treat depression but the only reason for her condition is that her ovaries have stopped producing estrogen, which affects a number of organs. In addition, menopause sometimes occurs before the age of 45, about which also few people know. If people spoke more often about menopause and its symptoms, this would help thousands of women understand what is happening to them.

Women Will Be Able to Prepare

Women should start learning more about menopause afte the age of 30. Having received accurate information, they will be able to better prepare for this period. By the onset of adulthood, a woman will know exactly how to recognize hormonal changes in the body, where to go and what help she can receive. It’s important that she will be able to prepare psychologically as well.

Due to the fact that this topic is not discussed in society, it is difficult for women to perceive menopause as a common occurrence. Faced with serious changes in the body that hit the emotional and physical state, they often remain alone with their problem and feel lonely.

The Topic of Women’s Health Is Under Little Study

Despite the fact that doctors have found a way to deal with the symptoms of menopause, scientists still have very little understanding of how a woman’s ovaries function during this period. Science still has not deciphered the chemical signals that stop the maturation of ovarian follicles into ovules and have not figured out what role other ovarian cells play in this. There is no answer why in some women menopause is almost asymptomatic, while others are experience a lot of discomfort.

Grants for such studies are reluctant because of the belief that a woman should put up with this condition since it is the same normal physiological phenomenon as childbirth. But no one will tell a person with a sick heart to leave it untreated because this disease has existed since ancient times. If more women did not hesitate to talk about their problems, society would better understand how important they are.

This May Affect Women’s Relationship With Partner

Menopause sometimes seriously affects the emotional state of a woman, leading to mood swings and decreased libido. All this affects the relationship with her partner and because of the taboo of this topic, a man often does not even understand what is happening. He sees a lack of interest in sex, a depressed mood and assumes that a woman no longer experiences previous feelings for him.

If menopause was more often discussed in the media culture, it would be easier for women to explain to their partners what was happening to them.


  • Amelia Grant

    I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better.

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